Lulav & Etrog Sets (And Pine Schach)


Lulav & Etrog Sets are available through Wednesday 10/02.

Early Bird Pricing ends Thursday, 9/26.

Scroll to bottom of Lulav Sets to order Pine Schach.

Choose options and pay below or fill out this form (here) and follow the instructions inside. Email address for any questions is on the form.

Pickup will be at OC on Sunday, October 13th, time TBD.

Set includes Lulav, Etrog, Hadassim, and Aravot. Deri is a specially selected Lulav and arrives pre-packaged.

SKU: N/A Category:


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Lulav Sets

Regular, Regular + Deri, Deluxe, Deluxe + Deri, Super Deluxe, Super Deluxe + Deri, Chinuch, Chinuch + Deri, Fresh Pine Schach (25lb Bale)


Yes, No


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