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Select Kiddush Type (required) —Please choose an option—A (includes liquor) - $150B (supply liquor) - $100
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*Note: Submitting this form does not guarantee availability. You should receive a reply of acknowledgement usually within 24-36 hours.
In honor of and in appreciation of Rabbi Moshe Kletenik and Benzy Shani by a few of the many admirers and beneficiaries of their weekly Torah leyning.
Special Chanukah Kiddush, Open for multiple sponsors:
Sponsored by Rivkah Isseroff and Art Huntley on the Yahrzeit of Gitu Isseroff z'l, Rivkah's mother, which was on Zos Chanukah, and in celebration of the first birthday for visiting grandson Lev.
Sponsored by Hinda Wolf in memory of her father Mel Wolf, commemorating his 25th Yahrzeit.
Sponsored by Janice and Ellis Cohen to say a big "Thank You" to all the volunteers who make Ohr Chadash such a great place.
Dugo Day Kiddush: Sponsored by Ahava and Gary Goldwater, Josh and Sara Gortler, Nancy Finkelstein, and Moshe and Sherry Feuer. Falafel will be served.
OC Luncheon Sponsored by Bayla Friedman Treiger and Louis Treiger.
Sponsored by Jed and Lori Davis in memory of Jed's father, David E. Davis, Dovid ben Eliyahu z'l on the occasion of his yahrzeit.